Work with external utilities

Work with external utility

Basic work

All simple modes like Files Mode, Interpreter Mode can be used for work with any external utilities.

You can call what you want and easy get result from the output (STDOUT, STDERR). For example (old samples):

However! you can much more. see below

Advanced work

A complex work with data from any external tools and features that are not available for MSBuild:

Try to use existing component of SBE-Scripts engine like:

Of course all data from external utilities can be used for User-Variables, MSBuild Properties, Conditional statements, etc. for your complex scripts.


Please also note - Operations with strings

Very old examples: please fix me

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Calculate sha1 for string with openssl


  • Sha1 for 'Hello World!'
#[File cmd("echo 'Hello World!'| openssl sha1 | sed 's/^.*\s//'")]

Result: 2ef7bde608ce5404e97d5f042f95f89f1c232871

  • Sha1 for current time:
#[var utcnow = $([System.DateTime]::UtcNow.Ticks)]
#[File cmd("echo '#[var utcnow]'| openssl sha1 | sed 's/^.*\s//'")]

Result: 47c14be77bc0a13a0454e1ad2e9a642549f467fc

Note: For your environment use also: echo -n "str", printf 'str' etc. On Windows platform with standard echo you can get incorrect hash value.

Internal support of MD5 & SHA-1

v0.12.4+ now supports calculating MD5 & SHA1 for more convenience.

#[Func hash.MD5("Hello World!")]

Result: ED076287532E86365E841E92BFC50D8C

#[Func hash.SHA1("Hello World!")]

Result: 2EF7BDE608CE5404E97D5F042F95F89F1C232871

Version number of package from NuGet server

NuGet command line tool - nuget.exe (documentation)

for example:

#[File cmd("nuget list Moq | grep -e \"^Moq \"", 30)]

Result: Moq 4.2.1502.0911

  • Next patch number for latest package, for example:
$([MSBuild]::Add(#[File sout("cmd", "/C .nuget\nuget.exe list vsSBE.CI.MSBuild | grep 'vsSBE.CI.MSBuild' | sed -r 's/^.*\s[0-9]+\.[0-9]+\.//'", 30)], 1))

Result: 1.0.5 -> 1.0.6

Packing files. Create Archives from binaries

For packing you can use external 7-zip archiver. However, now it can be much more easier:

#[7z pack.files(
#[IO copy.file({
               "$(odir)/tools/coreclr/", true)]

see also 'Artefacts' as a complete solutions.
