Reload projects in solution
In some cases you may need automatically reload your projects in solution.
For example, you have added git submodules for your projects, and you want to update/get it automatically after cloning of your repo when .sln is opened in first time.
Starting with v0.12.8 you have also the Contexts for Sln-Opened event. |
Modern way to Restore all git submodules when opening Visual Studio IDE |
How to
- Select event type, for example the
to reload projects when you open Visual Studio with your Solution. - Then, add action with C# Mode
- Now you can write code, for example:
using System;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio;
using Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Interop;
using ICommand = net.r_eg.vsSBE.Actions.ICommand;
using ISolutionEvent = net.r_eg.vsSBE.Events.ISolutionEvent;
namespace vsSolutionBuildEvent
public class CSharpMode
public static int Init(ICommand cmd, ISolutionEvent evt)
// TODO: optional something before reload projects ...
object service = Microsoft.VisualStudio.Shell.Package.GetGlobalService(typeof(IVsSolution));
IVsSolution sln = (IVsSolution)service;
IVsSolution4 sln4 = (IVsSolution4)service;
IEnumHierarchies projects;
Guid gtype = Guid.Empty;
if(ErrorHandler.Failed(sln.GetProjectEnum((int)__VSENUMPROJFLAGS.EPF_UNLOADEDINSOLUTION /*EPF_ALLPROJECTS*/, ref gtype, out projects))) {
return 0;
var phr = new IVsHierarchy[1];
uint count;
while((projects.Next((uint)phr.Length, phr, out count) == VSConstants.S_OK) && (count > 0))
Guid pGuid;
if(ErrorHandler.Failed(sln.GetGuidOfProject(phr[0], out pGuid))) {
sln4.EnsureProjectIsLoaded(ref pGuid, (uint)__VSBSLFLAGS.VSBSLFLAGS_None);
return 0;
for unloaded projects only and __VSENUMPROJFLAGS.EPF_ALLPROJECTS
for all.
- In
settings -References
add the following assemblies:
Activate action and Enjoy.