Remote servers

For work with remote servers you can use any available variants from available modes

v0.12.6+ is already contains features for work with remote servers. Use FileComponent


- C# Mode

  • Upload Artefacts and similar
    • Activate C# Mode
    • Add 'System.dll' reference in Compiler - References
    • Customize cache and check other available flags of optimization. (optional)
    • Use next code, for example:
using System;
using System.Net;
using ICommand = net.r_eg.vsSBE.Actions.ICommand;
using ISolutionEvent = net.r_eg.vsSBE.Events.ISolutionEvent;

namespace vsSolutionBuildEvent
    public class CSharpMode
        public static int Init(ICommand cmd, ISolutionEvent evt)
            _Ftp ftp = new _Ftp("");
            try {
                ftp.upload("Hello World!", "result.log");
                //ftp.upload(System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes("bin/rel/"), "");
            catch {
                return 202;
            return 0;
        private class _Ftp
            protected WebClient client;
            protected string server;
            public void upload(string data, string to)
                client.UploadString(server + to, data);
            public void upload(byte[] data, string to)
                client.UploadData(server + to, data);
            public _Ftp(string server, string user = "anonymous", string pass = "")
                client = new WebClient() {
                    Credentials = new NetworkCredential(user, pass)
                this.server = String.Format("ftp://{0}/", server);

- Targets Mode

- Script Mode

- Interpreter Mode
