vsSolutionBuildEvent API

vsSolutionBuildEvent provides API layer for external tools and their various environments to access for events/actions and more.

For example, this is already used in the following products:

Where to begin

Scheme of vsSolutionBuildEvent projects:

Scheme of vsSolutionBuildEvent projects


Please note: Provider now distributed together with Bridge as part of the API layer.

Specified interfaces to communicate with vsSolutionBuildEvent: Bridge/

Before 1.14.1


Current module specifies communication with vsSolutionBuildEvent and its related references, for example, IEvent.


Contains loader of the core components and related services. Use this to quickly implement basic logic.


client.vssbe.dll this is subset of API layer and its additional way for working with the vsSolutionBuildEvent.

How to use client.vssbe.dll

Either place client.vssbe.dll and Bridge.dll inside %USERPROFILE%\Documents\vsSolutionBuildEvent\ (Settings - Plugin - Open a common directory)

Or place client.vssbe.dll inside plugin directory (Settings - Plugin - Open a directory where plugin)

How to create client.vssbe.dll

From scratch:

  1. Add Bridge in References
  2. Implement IEntryPointClient.
  3. Provide the correct IEvent2 and IBuild objects.
  4. Build project. The output assembly name must be client.vssbe.dll

ClientDemo project:

Play with ClientDemo project (Public domain License) as an example of implementing your own logic.
