Advanced work with Git submodules

Restore all git submodules when opening Visual Studio IDE

Before v0.12.8 you have this way. But now it can be much easier.

  1. Add Action for Sln-Opened event.
  2. Set Context: Before
  3. Select Script Mode

Then add simple script, for example, we want to restore Conari:

#[( !(#[IO exists.file("$(pConari)/Conari.sln")]) )
    #[File call("git", "submodule update --init Conari", 1000)]

Additionally you can restore and prepare .NET Core projects and/or some related nuget packages (including legacy packages.config), for example:

#[( !(#[IO exists.file("packages/__checked")]) )
    #[File call("hmsbuild.bat", "-t:restore /v:q /nologo /p:Configuration=$(Configuration) /p:Platform=\"Any CPU\"", 1000)]
    #[NuGet gnt.raw("/p:ngconfig=\"packages.config\" /nologo /v:m /m:4")]
    #[IO"", "packages/", true)]
    #[File write("packages/__checked"): ]

Activate action and click [Apply]

Now, when some user will receive your source code:

  • Before first loading solution (after click on .sln) will be a "black window" with automatic restoring submodules.
    • "black window" can be hidden (see settings) but it can take a long time for restoring all packages. For this case the best way to show some information.

About CI here

How to process large list of submodules

For example:

#[$(_tprjs = 'MvsSln;E-MSBuild;LSender;SobaScript;SobaScript.Mapper;SobaScript.Z.Core;SobaScript.Z.Ext;SobaScript.Z.VS;Varhead')]

#[$(loop = true)]
#[Box iterate(i = 0; $(loop); i += 1): #[try
    #[$(_p = "$(_tprjs.Split(';')[$(i)].Trim())")]
        #[( $(_p) != "" ) 
            #[( !(#[IO exists.file("$(_p)/$(_p).sln")]) ) { #[File call("git", "submodule update --init $(_p)", 1000)] }]
    catch(err, msg){ #[IO writeLine(STDERR): Cfg .props.user failed: #[$(msg)] ] }]
catch { $(loop = false) }] ]

#[" Packages "]

#[( !(#[IO exists.file("packages/__checked")]) )
    #[IO writeLine(STDOUT): Restoring packages. Please wait ...]
    #[File call("tools\hmsbuild.bat", "-t:restore /v:q /nologo /p:Configuration=$(Configuration) /p:Platform=\"Any CPU\"", 1000)]

    #[NuGet gnt.raw("/p:ngconfig=\".gnt/packages.config;vsSolutionBuildEvent/packages.config;vsSolutionBuildEventTest/packages.config\" /nologo /v:m /m:6")]    
    #[IO"", "packages/", true)]
    #[File write("packages/__checked"): ]
